A LIFE worth living includes the Arts!

Take pride in our culture: share in a legacy, inspire community, celebrate humanity.
Art is for everyone, and local arts are all for you. Everyone wins when we invest in our arts, culture, and creative community:
Connect to community
Enhance education
Grow opportunity
Champion diversity
Build your brand
Empower the arts and The Asylum Theatre!
Support The Asylum Theatre, a Las Vegas landmark for international collaboration.

Build your brand with The Asylum
An investment will support a local theatre maker's fees and give you a 1/2 page ad in our digital program, and shared on our website.
Email your ad image in pdf, jpeg , or png format, or any questions to partners@asylumtheatre.org
Collaborate as community
Diversity, accessibility, affordability are all possible because of locals like you who help create opportunities in our community.
Our special programs empower people & stories from all walks of life. To sponsor, email
Asylum World theatre projects
Playwright residencies
Family Fun Holiday Show

The arts are not a cause they are an industry, a tool for society, and a reflection of humanity.