Performing Arts organizations and independent artists added a combined total of $52.2 billion to the U.S. economy in 2017. In Nevada, this resulted in over 40,900 jobs, $8.7 billion, or 5.5 percent of Nevada's GDP.
We CAN and MUST #CreateOurRecovery.
To Rebuild and Reimagine the United States Post-Pandemic,
We Must Put Creative Workers to Work:
1. Engage In, and Drive, Direct Employment of Creative Workers
2. Drive Local, State, and Private Sector Activation of Creative Workers
3. Adjust Existing Policies to Recognize Creative Workers as Workers
4. Integrate Creative Interventions into Recovery and Resilience Programs
5. Support Access to Arts, Culture, and Arts Education
Read the Americans for the Arts coalition plan
endorsed by PALSNV and Eat More Art Vegas.
What can you do today to make the best use of the "Impromptu Innovators"(aka Production Professionals) in your community?

They are working for your company, driving your Uber, or living on your block.
It is not just artists who are starving: how the US can rebuild its creative industry.
Learn more about the economic impact of our Creative Workforce in this 2020 Brookings Institute report, LOST ART:Measuring COVID-19’s devastating impact on America’s creative economy.